PBIS Positive Interventions & Supports
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
What is PBIS?
One of the foremost advances in school-wide discipline is the emphasis on school-wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. Instead of using a piecemeal approach of individual behavioral management plans, a continuum of positive behavior support for all students within a school is implemented in areas including the classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, buses, and restrooms).
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture and needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining primary (school-wide), secondary (classroom), and tertiary (individual) systems of support that improve lifestyle results (personal, health, social, family, work, recreation) for all youth by making targeted misbehavior less effective, efficient, and relevant, and desired behavior more functional.
The following diagram illustrates the multi-level approach offered to all students in the school. These group depictions represent systems of support not children:

Schools are successful when they help children grow academically, socially, and emotionally. For this to happen it is important that we have a safe environment that is supportive and conducive for growth. By setting forth clear social and behavioral expectations and directly teaching students about those expectations, it is our goal is to continue to have a positive atmosphere for optimal learning.
We are excited that Sundance Elementary School participates in Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). PBIS is a system for improving student behavior. It is used with all students across all environments in school (classroom, lunchroom, restroom, playground, library, MPR and hallways) to help create a safe and effective learning environment. Here at Sundance, we are committed to teach, reinforce, and acknowledge appropriate student behaviors. At all times, staff and students are expected to:
To help students be successful with this, we strive to instill sixteen lifelong positive social skills in our students.
The 16 Positive Behavior Skills that we continually focus on at Sundance are:
It is my hope that we will all continue to work together to ensure that PBIS is successful and meaningful here at Sundance. Families, please encourage your child(ren) to engage in positive behaviors and aim for success everyday.
Why is it so important to focus on teaching positive social behaviors?
Frequently, the question is asked, “Why should we have to teach kids to be good? They already know what they are supposed to do. Why can we not just expect good behavior?” In the past, school-wide discipline has focused mainly on reacting to specific student misbehavior by implementing punishment-based strategies including reprimands, loss of privileges, office referrals, suspensions, and expulsions. Research has shown that the implementation of punishment, especially when it is used inconsistently and in the absence of other positive strategies, is ineffective. Introducing, modeling, and reinforcing positive social behavior is an important step of a student’s educational experience. Teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding. The purpose of school-wide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.
* Outcomes: academic and behavior targets that are endorsed and emphasized by students, families, and educators. (What is important to each particular learning community?)
* Practices: interventions and strategies that are evidence based. (How will you reach the goals?)
* Data: information that is used to identify status, need for change, and effects of interventions. (What data will you use to support your success or barriers?)
* Systems: supports that are needed to enable the accurate and durable implementation of the practices of PBS. (What durable systems can be implemented that will sustain this over the long haul?)
The link between families and positive behavioral interventions and supports is an important one. When families are meaningfully involved in educational activities their children do better in schools. Families play an important part in their child's education and social development.
What can I do to help with PBIS?
- Review the behavior expectations with your child.
- Ensure that your child is well rested and on time for each school day.
- Ask your child about his/her school day.
- Encourage your child to do his/her homework and keep up with his/her classes.
- Stay in contact with your child's teacher(s).
- Encourage your child to use proper language and tone.
- Practice polite phrases like "Thank you," "Please," and "Excuse me."
- Incorporate Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe into your family rules.
- Be involved with the school. Attend school functions and activities when possible.
- Volunteer.
Expected Behavior at Home
Different homes may have different sets of expectations. Whatever you decide is right for your home, it is important to set the expectations and then follow through. To help you get started here are a few tips other families use:
Example #1 | Use positive wording
When misbehavior occurs offer positive alternatives instead of harsh criticism.
Negative Reaction Positive Alternative
Don’t run. Walk.
Stop yelling. Use your inside voice.
No playing catch inside. Play catch out in the yard.
Example #2 | Be a teacher
If you have to say no, give a reason why.
Scenario: While shopping your child asks you to buy him a toy. He already has toys and you are short on time. You tell your child “No, we cannot buy that toy today. You already have a toy in the car to play with on the way home.”
If your child accepts your answer make sure to compliment him.
Example #3 | Reward positive behavior
Use positive reinforcement to teach children what actions are accepted and desired. Rewards don’t need to cost a thing. Try sitting down with your child to find out what rewards would work best.
- Ask your child to make a list of the things they enjoy like going to the park or getting ice cream together. This will help you determine what they are motivated by.
- Create a special "reward" basket of toys that you already own, but they only get to play with when they have shown what was expected. You can do this with stickers as well to earn the basket of toys.
- Create a menu of rewards, such as special dinners, special desserts, computer time, game night, watching extra TV, extra book time, etc.
- Create celebration dances or songs.
- Create a system of recognition. If one of your expectations is that your child will do chores each week, create a board that lists each chore. When your child has completed a chore, use a sticker to mark it complete. At the end of the week, give a reward if all chores are complete. Consider choosing a reward from the list your child made of things they enjoy!
Student Behavior
Positive Behavior Intervention Skills (PBIS)
Here are the 16 Positive Behavior Intervention Skills that we focus on as a district:
Getting the Teacher’s Attention
- Look at the teacher
- Raise your hand and stay calm
- Wait until the teacher says your name
- Ask your question
Accepting Criticism/Consequence
- Look at the person
- Say “okay”
- Stay calm
Accepting “No” for an answer
- Look at the person
- Say “Okay”
- Stay calm
- If you disagree, ask later
Working with Others (group work)
- Identify the task to each person
- Assign tasks to each person
- Discuss ideas in a calm, quiet voice and let everyone share their ideas
- Work on tasks until completed
Asking Permission
- Look at the person
- Use a calm and pleasant voice
- Say “May I…”
- Accept the answer calmly
Disagreeing Appropriately
- Look at the person
- Use a calm and pleasant voice
- Say “I understand how you feel”
- Tell why you feel differently
- Give a reason
- Listen to the other person
Following Instructions
- Look at the person
- Say “Okay”
- Do what you have been asked right away
- Check Back
Giving Criticism
- Look at the person
- Stay calm and use a pleasant voice
- Say something positive or “I understand”
- Describe exactly what you are criticizing
- Tell why this is a problem
- Listen to the person/be polite
- Look at the person who is talking
- Wait until the other person is done before speaking
- Show you have heard the other person by nodding your head, or saying “OK,” “That’s interesting,” etc.
Using appropriate Voice Tone
- Identify the appropriate voice tone for the situation
- Change your voice to match the situation
- Watch/Listen for visual/verbal cues and adjust your voice
Asking for Help
- Look at the person
- Ask the person if they have time to help you
- Clearly explain the kind of help you need
- Thank the person for helping you
Making an Apology
- Look at the person
- Use a serious, sincere voice
- Say “I’m sorry for..” or “I want to apologize for…”
- Explain how you plan on doing better in the future
- Say, “Thanks for listening”
MYOB-Mind Your Own Business
- Focus on your assignment, task or activity
- Ignore all conversations, gestures and distractions that are someone else’s business
- Keep working or stay on your task until you receive further instructions or the time is up
Resisting Peer Pressure
- Look at the person
- Use a calm voice
- Say clearly you do not want to participate
- Suggest something else to do
- If necessary, continue to say “No”
- Leave the situation
Staying on Task
- Look at your task or assignment
- Think about the steps needed to complete the task
- Focus all of your attention on the task
- Stop working only when instructed
- Ignore distractions and interruptions
Waiting your Turn
- Sit or stand quietly
- Keep your arms and legs still
- Avoid begging, whining or teeth sucking
- Engage in the activity when directed by an adult or until it is your turn
- Thank the person who gives you a turn
Adapted from: Teaching Social Skills to Youth: Boys Town Press
As a principal for the past 20 years, my philosophy is that people should treat one another with dignity and respect, every day. This means staff, students, volunteers, and our community visitors... everyone. We use a positive discipline approach where we focus on what is RIGHT at Sundance and not what is wrong. When students make poor choices, we follow disciplinary steps to take care of the problem. When they do the right thing, we celebrate!
Here's how we operate at Sundance Elementary...
"It's a FAMILY Thing"
We RESPECT others. We are RESPONSIBLE. We WORK QUIETLY. We are KIND. We ALWAYS do our BEST work. We stand in line and WAIT our turn. We look for the GOOD in others. We are POLITE, even when the other person is rude. We don't HAVE to be FIRST. We don't get angry over small things, and we FORGIVE one another QUICKLY.
We are HAPPY with the SUCCESSES of others. We ALWAYS PROTECT each other.
We NEVER give up because PERSISTENCE is the key to knowledge.
Come visit us!
Lauren Kinney, Principal
Guidelines for Student Behavior |
Items not to bring to school:
Student safety:
Demonstrating respect and responsibility:
Being ready to learn:
Student Behavior Interventions |
Sundance School follows a progressive discipline policy. The administration reserves the right to assign severe consequences out of progression when behaviors are considered dangerous or extreme. Each referral for disciplinary action will be reviewed individually. The school will work closely with parents to assist all students in exhibiting appropriate behavior at all times. Violation of the school rules may result in disciplinary action including one or more of the following:
Important Note: A student may be suspended or expelled for violation of E.C. 48900 that are related to school activities or attendance that occurs at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following: