Our School
Today I will be responsible for myself,
My choices,
My learning,
and my attitude.
I will treat myself and others with respect.
And, I will do my personal best,
In everything,
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes public and non-public elementary, middle, and high schools where students achieve at very high levels and/or where the achievement gap in narrowing. The Program sets a standard of excellence for all schools striving for the highest level of achievement.
The California Distinguished School program honors some of California's most exemplary and inspiring public schools. Schools selected for the Distinguished School Award demonstrate significant gains in narrowing the achievement gap.
The Academic Achievement Award program honors Title I schools that have demonstrated success in significantly closing the achievement gap between high and low-performing students.
The Gold Ribbon Awards recognize California schools that have made gains in implementing the academic content and performance standards adopted by the State Board of Education.